Wednesday, 10 March 2010

The problem with hubris and being two steps ahead

A couple of weeks ago I tweeted as follows:
You've heard of #Freecycle & #freegle ?The next step IMHO is #letsallshare & beyond that, us
Being a 'clever clogs' often irritates and confuses others who can only see the next step. (ie I end up tripping.
As Edmund and I are now agreed that is currently a more credible site than at present, questions arise like:
  1. Whether I put all my thousands of items on that site, instead of (or in addition to)
  2. Whether I advertise primarily in my neighbourhood and advocate letsallshare nationally?
  3. What mix of websites is going to best serve the 'Sharing and Gift Economics' sector of the economy? 
  4. What is the most responsible thing I/you can do in relation to the gap between where we are now in how we share resources and where we need to be ASAP?
As well as commenting below, please see (& join) the occasional twitterstream:

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