Friday 27 November 2009

Something more sustainable than Buy Nothing Day

Am I the only one with an ambivalent attitude to the Buy Nothing Day on 25th November 2009 in UK?
My intention is to do my shopping tonight (i.e the night before), so that I still have food to share at a training event tomorrow, but if I don't make it to the shops tonight, the sharing would be more important than the not-buying tomorrow.
I intend to start 'buy nothing day' tomorrow by adding 50 items (probably CDs and/or tools) to the most local (and flexible) library I know, so that there are some ways in which others can be supported to save money and share more.
In terms of the big picture, the imperative of our time is to consume less and to share more.By doing this I am confident that we will improve our quality if living. There's quite possibly no other way.Consuming less doesn't close down all businesses; only the wasteful ones.
I tweet about once a week about the vocation involved in finding a sharing response to the interesting times in which we live -try following this occasional twitter-stream.

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