Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Radio 4 programme on the Sharing Economy - note to Freelending CIC co-director

Radio 4 programme on the Sharing Economy - note to Freelending CIC co-director

Here are the links to the programme as I put it onto YouTube
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3KHDKrylQA
2) http://youtu.be/VJmXJsUQfkg
& in this 3rd part I go on to say something of the new economy idea that seems so compelling, daunting yet necessary; Heinz Wolff's Care4Care.mov
3) http://youtu.be/QV5rJVk9B1o

In the programme I liked Ali (from liftshare, who came to the freelender tent at the Buddhafield festival in 2009 & chewed the cud) for his succinctness: "Either we reduce the population, or use less or share more" & other snippets I hope to take out from the recordings and write about on the http://freelenders.blogspot.co.uk

As for what I'm planning I hope my footer & http://stleonardstimebank.blogspot.co.uk says it all.
I'd offer to meet in London soon to discuss plans etc, though the #2066 #Timebanking Gallery curating I'm doing is so absorbing/challenging to me that I'm cancelling appointments rather than making them.

Paul Crosland, Chair, St Leonards Sharing Consortium
(& Curator of #2066 #Timebanking Gallery, open most Mondays and Fridays 12-6pm/(9pm on request - text Zero7807 066 202)
Southwater Area Community Centre
Stainsby Street
TN37 6LA

Twitter: http://twitter.com/paulcrosland
YouTube: http://YouTube.com/toothpaste007

Keyboard players/ solo musicians and life models to wear the http://ActionForHastingsHappiness.blogspot.co.uk T-shirts needed for whenever the #Hastings #2066 #Transition #Timebank events are taking place at the #2066 #Timebanking Gallery.
36minutes - 15 hours work available by appointment; payment half in cash and half in Timebank hours (what this can be traded for includes 15hours from http://mariaarpa.co.uk) Apart from working in the gallery/ freelender.org Mind Body Spirit library, there is work leafleting, litter picking etc or suggest something you can do to encourage neighbours to do more for each other.

More info on:

Register on http://stleonardstimebank.blogspot.co.uk/p/welcome-register-page.html
And for a general introduction to Timebanking from one of the national organisations who commissioned me to create a social media strategy for them, see http://timebanking.org.uk