On the Lend-It-All Man site the review of three other sharing websites is as follows:
Reviews of lending websites
- www.freelender.org- special features: trust stats, all items are free, values of all items are listed (minimising later difficulties); mediation service provided in case of difficulty
What I advocate as sharing technology steps forward for society includes the following:
- www.ecomodo.com – special features: you can easily arrange for your favourite charities to get money from rental of household items. {NB I expect my favourite charity, www.karuna.org to be added to the site shortly!}
Overall review:
- www.letsallshare.com – special features: lets you list items as rental or giveaway, which makes this site more optimum in terms of listing all your stuff then managing it.
-the development of a culture in which we itemise all our stuff and offer it to others, recognising how this serves us
-trained community activists who promoting this on the doorstep and provide connections from which they take commission. (This commission -raised eg from the rental charges of a street sharing a co-created car pool) may, for example raise the money for the ongoing development of better 'stuff management solutions' or simply go to favourite charities through the money
-technology that 'saves' you from buying new things (eg a version of sites like ebay or Amazon that linked to your social networking eg Facebook- the function of which would be to let you know which of your friends already had what you were about to buy, hopefully disuading you from buying it -unless it's an iPhone:-)
To return to the quote from my alter ego, Lend-It-All Man (everything I own you can borrow):
The necessary ‘stuff management solution’ goes beyond what is provided by any of the above sites; what will get us closer to a strong way forward would be an amalgam of our resources into a bigger and better site.
Failing that, we at least would benefit from forming a consortium of some sort. For more on this theme see: www.twitter.com/sharingandgifteconomics.com
Please now vote in the poll on the left about whcih site serves your sharing needs best?
As a director of Freelending CIC I also believe that the future lies in an optimum ‘fractional ownership solution’ which starts from having an effective place where people post their ‘wanted’ messages and an effective way to build trust to share items not used all the time. I look forward to the discussions as to how this happens in the near future, for all our sakes."